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modern style vs. signature style


An epic even happened Saturday in Madison Square Park, NYC. For the second time, the ever famous hairstylist, Christiaan, staged one of his haircuts in the park. One hundred lucky people who were ready to release their fears of change, freely trusted the stylist on the spot, and embraced a free new look. This is truly was modern art.

Known for his less than traditional style, Christiaan has cut the hair of celebrities and models alike for dating back to the 60's. Some of his more famous coifs being Grace Jone's iconic flat top, and more recently Daria Werbowy's fresh bob. No one seems to walk away with a "standard" style. If you're looking to truly be one in a million, this is the way to go.

I don’t know about you, but I’m all about braving change...especially when it comes to embracing new style. I have to say though, when it comes to my hair cut, signature style has always been my choice. Long locks just don't grow back in a few months, you know?

Though had I had the opportunity for an epic session with Christiaan, I may have taken it. He doesn't play safe when it comes to style, and you have to appreciate his free form technique. Modern and not too fussy seems to be his mantra.

You can see the confidence in his participants as caught on camera by Cass Bird. Would you be as daring to embrace one of these off the cuff styles?

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